Drink / Lifestyle

Exploring a new relationship with coffee

Navigating a new relationship with coffee

“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons” – T.S. Eliot

Growing up in a city which never sleeps, I used to think coffee culture was a normal way to live life, but for many people, it is the only thing that keeps them going. For them, imagining a day without a cup of coffee seems impossible. However, one should be aware of their relationship with coffee.

Nothing compares to enjoying a good cup of coffee. A cup of Caramel Macchiato calms and warms my insides on rainy days. A grande (or even a venti) Caramel Frappuccino simply beats the heat on typically hot days. A bottle or two of iced coffee fuels me on regular days. It has been a friend when I read or feel lonely. The variety of coffee represents all facets of my life, much as the variety of life itself. Every sip of coffee brings a sense of contentment and happiness. 

Coffee has been associated with a wide range of potential health advantages in addition to its energetic effects, which makes brewing enticing.  Let’s explore how to measure your life with coffee spoons. 

Physical health

Your body speaks for itself; all you need to do is pay attention. The effect of coffee on physical health is controversial and very subjective from person to person. Personally, I love my coffee black with a pinch of sugar. Some people for whom just one cup of light roast coffee gets them jittery and anxious. Coffee is a stimulant; thus, it can significantly enhance performance when used intentionally.  To understand how caffeine affects your body both on and off use, you can try cutting back and reintroducing it to your diet. Making instant coffee, which has roughly 26gm of caffeine per cup, is another tip I like to use.

Mental health

Coffee improves various aspects of brain functions, including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction time, and general cognitive function. I believe coffee might bring about addiction, but many people claim that coffee helps boost their alertness, energy level and mood. However, it’s best to consume coffee in moderation and not excess.

Quality and Type of Coffee

Understanding coffee’s different types and qualities can help you maintain a healthy and positive relationship with it. Low-quality coffee has frequently included significantly more mycotoxin (a toxin produced by mould on the beans), which may cause harm to the brain and kidneys. It is important to consume good quality coffee to avoid harmful effects. 

Temperature and its effect on Coffee

The right temperature can produce a higher concentration of different scents that vary depending on the blend, which is a crucial component. 

Gourmet coffee experts advise grinding it as needed to enjoy an exceptional cup of coffee and retain its fresh-roasted flavour for as long as possible.

Green and roasted coffee should be stored in a dry environment, below 25°C for best preservation and away from moisture. Coffee loses flavour because it is highly hygroscopic and rapidly absorbs scents from its surroundings. 


Considering its effect on the environment

Coffee beans have historically been grown in fragile ecosystems throughout tropical and subtropical parts of the world, providing special habitats for animals, insects, and other plant life. But as the demand for the beans increased, plantations were required, and other trees in the region had to be cut down to provide for unfettered access to light and water, leaving these areas far less biodiverse. Chemical insecticides and fertilisers are used in addition to this. To reduce its carbon footprint, coffee should be fair-trade, organic, and locally sourced.

A good cup of coffee has a full, fragrant, slightly sweet, aromatic flavour that is rich and deep and leaves a lingering aftertaste. Since sugar makes it impossible to discern the amount of acidity and body present, it should be consumed almost bitterly. 

The aroma should be inhaled almost dramatically, delving into the distinct tinge of roasted coffee.  Additionally, the other flavours include strong cocoa, notes of vanilla, and chocolate. Some washed, premium coffees have a fruity flavour and are enhanced with citrus undertones.

If you love coffee and measure out your life with coffee spoons, you should try Wonderchef’s Regalia Brew Coffee Maker and start your morning with the perfect brew, at home.  

Author : Alina Gufran, writer and film-maker, who loves the outdoors and reading.

Exploring a new relationship with coffee
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Exploring a new relationship with coffee
This article explores how to enhance your coffee experience by discovering new brewing methods, flavors, and rituals, helping you build a deeper and more personalized relationship with your daily cup of coffee.
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